Former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger passed away at the age of 100, according to his consulting firm.

"Renowned Diplomat Henry Kissinger, Architect of Global Affairs, Passes Away at 100: A Legacy of Influence and Controversy"

2.Kissinger wielded significant influence on global affairs under Presidents Nixon and Ford.

3.His role expanded during the Watergate turmoil, assuming a co-president-like position.

4.Post-government service, he faced criticism for policies on Southeast Asia and Latin America.

5.A Jewish refugee from Nazi Germany, Kissinger later cultivated a statesman image.

6.Kissinger played a key role in major foreign policy issues, including the Vietnam War and detente with the Soviet Union.

7.He continued his involvement in global affairs even in his last months, meeting with Chinese leader nXi Jinpig.

8.Tributes poured in from U.S. officials upon news of Kissinger's death.